
Interview Series - Brian Higgins

May 31, 2021

I studied Business & Accountancy at the Institute of Technology Tallaght (ITT) before going on to complete by professional exams with Chartered Accountants Ireland. I was keen to travel and so made my way to Australia. After one year there an opportunity arose to re-locate and work in Papua New Guinea, which I did for three years followed by another three years based in the Caribbean. About one year ago I returned to Ireland and joined Hidden Hearing as Finance Business Partner.

  1. Tell us a little bit about your current company in three sentences or less

Hidden Hearing are industry leaders in providing tailored and personalised hearing healthcare to people of Ireland. Hidden Hearing offer the latest hearing aid technology. The business is extremely customer centric and our clients are always at the centre of what we do and why we do it.

  1. What is the toughest decision you have had to make in your career to date?

The key to a successful team largely depends on having the right people. Sometimes tough decisions do need to be made. But ultimately, these tough decisions are needed and will benefit the business, but more importantly the performance of the team as a whole

  1. What the best piece of career advice you have been given (or would give)?

Never underestimate yourself and believe that nothing is impossible! Don’t be afraid to take yourself out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Gaining international experience working overseas in different countries has been invaluable and something I would urge anyone to do if presented with the opportunity.

  1. If you could step into the shoes of any business person today, who would it be and why? Or who do you admire most and why?

I am big fan of Elon Musk. I really admire his work ethic and his vision. To create and build Tesla and Space X really is amazing. I find the Starlink project very ambitious and interesting. I believe it has recently been tested in Cork…

  1. Tell us something people might not know about you

I really enjoy travelling and experiencing new countries. I enjoy rugby and I was fortunate to travel to New Zealand for the British & Irish Lions Tour 4 years ago. I would love to be going to South Africa but unfortunately, I don’t think that will can happen…maybe next time in 2025!

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