
June 2024 Newsletter

Jun 28, 2024

Kicking off with a mystery…

A mystery that has everybody here at PeopleSource shaking their heads…where has the first half of 2024 gone?  Answers on a postcard please!  This weekend is a big one in Dublin with Taylor Swift, Pride, Longitude, All Ireland Snr Championships, Saw Doctors, Russell Crowe and we could go on.   Taxis will be impossible to get hold of, remember to pre-book!  
Last month we wished our readers ‘safe travels’ for those of you planning trips; now we just hope that your flight takes off!  Fingers crossed for all those holding Aer Lingus tickets this summer.  It looks like it’s going to be a long road to a resolution. 
A switch from Sinn Fein to Independents was probably the only notable outcome from our local and European elections and the low(ish) turnout of 50%. Congratulations to Michael McGrath and Jack Chambers on their new roles.   Jack Chambers at 33 yrs of age seems certainly on a fast-track career route.
Other upcoming elections include – UK, France and the US in November.  For those interested in global politics, this is your year!


Business outlook…

Back to the Aer Lingus strike, we have a couple of generations in this country who have hardly ever been inconvenienced by strike action (other than the knock-on effect from the annual French Air Traffic Controllers) so the Aer Lingus upheaval will be causing palpitations for many.  It seems there are not too many conciliatory messages emanating from either side just yet, but it’s bad for families, bad for staff (imagine being on the front line, yikes!), bad for shareholders and bad for business. 
A rare bright spot for motorists sees petrol, diesel and EV charging costs all falling during June.  A lot of other things are shrinking for consumers too, not so much the price, but the size of some of our favourite products.  According to a KPMG report highlighting shrinkflation among a number of retail trends, consumers are getting wise to, and changing, their behaviour because of same.  Kantar also released a report on Irish consumer brand rankings which is worth a flick through.
Deloitte released their Spring/Summer 2024 CFO Survey, with a highlight being 40% CFO’s expect to grow employee numbers, good news for anyone looking for a new role - 
A great victory for ‘common-sense’ legislation is upon us as the Oireachtas is about to pass a law which permits workers on visas to switch employers after nine months.  A move which seems fair and will certainly go some way to reducing the instances of these workers being taken advantage of.

 Grab a coffee and a scroll…

- Still haven’t booked a holiday, try something last minute -
- Check out these TikTok packing hacks -
- Galway races, anyone?
- Do you have a sports mad 17yr old at home this summer - check this out, a fully funded leadership programme with Sport Ireland 
Kids off for the long summer months – let’s see if this helps…
- Looking for places to go and things to do - here's a list of 60, yes, 60!
- Are your kids readers, or do you wish they were? - maybe they could start here
- Less screen time, more activity required - here's the best in summer camps
- Sun shining, picnic packed? check out Ireland's most scenic drives

But, we’ll finish on an all-important cautionary note, last month we reminded people of the importance of water-safety, and having suggested some wonderful scenic drives this month, we will remind you all of the importance of road safety.  After all, these trips are only worthwhile if everyone gets home safely! 


Comments we are regularly given from clients after candidate interviews concern those who have done their research v those who haven’t.  This cheat sheet from Reno Perry was one we liked.  Feel free to follow him on

Hot topic of the month…

This month we want to discuss the  topic of career guidance: either giving or receiving assistance; both are equally valuable.  It also an area which is frequently misunderstood, namely, coaching, mentoring and sponsoring.  Briefly, we see it this way:
Coaching is designed to achieve a certain degree of skill in a specific discipline in a pre-determined period of time.  It differs from training in that the coach is trying to help the person to learn and develop, rather than just showing them how to do something;
Mentoring is a broader approach, helping people to understand what they are trying to achieve over a longer time-frame, figuring out their priorities, and helping them to find their way.  Mentoring can often result in a change of career or roles within a company and the relationship is generally longer term than coaching;
Sponsoring is the least known, and many people have had sponsors they weren’t even aware of.  These are usually senior colleagues who will promote the interests of somebody, recommending them for training, opportunities and even promotion.  Whereas you can ask for coaching, and even a mentor, it is hard to ask for a sponsor, just hope that such an advocate is out there.  Maybe start by sponsoring somebody worthy in your organisation and let Karma take care of the rest!
And yes, no matter who you are, or where you are in your career path, there is always value to be had in both providing, and receiving help.  Don’t be afraid to get involved.


Entertainment news…

When, at the changing of the guard in Buckingham Palace, the Army Band strikes up one of your pop songs, you know you’re famous, so Taylor Swift can be sure she has arrived (if there was ever any doubt).  Check out the culture clash moment here.  We’re very much in concert season here - are you a Swiftie, have you seen Pink or Take That, maybe you’re waiting for Russell Crowe to pitch up?  Or Shania Twain?
Three very different movies to discuss now.  Bikeriders looks a tough and gritty story reminiscent of the hey-day of Brando himself and one we’ll be checking out.  We saw Inside Out many years ago and we’ll be trying to find some little ‘uns to drag along to Inside Out 2, check out those satisfaction scores!!  Lastly, a movie that blind-sided us here at PeopleSource, another Beverly Hills Cop movie, back after 40 years, great throwback or desperate roll of the dice?  Let us know if you see it.
We can’t leave our Entertainment section for this month without mourning the passing of a genuine Hollywood legend in Donald Sutherland; from Mash to Kelly’s Heroes, Don’t Look Now to The Hunger Games, Klute to Pride and Prejudice, the man was a genius, who never made a bad movie.  Many obituaries will be written – here’s the one from the Irish Independent.

Sports roundup…

A June to remember for Athletics Ireland with medals galore in Rome, top of the pile goes Ciara Mageean, gold medallist in the 1,500m and of course the mixed 4x400 relay team, likewise taking gold. The women’s 4x400m team were just shaded into the silver medal place (with some of the team running their 7th race of the meeting!) and Mark English lowered his own 800m national record twice in three days!  Roll on Paris and the Olympics, maybe not just the boxers in contention this time around.  Clare Cryan got in on the act with a great bronze at the European Aquatic meeting in Belgrade – a great few weeks.  Check out Athletics Ireland’s great website, starting with their high performance pages.
Is it just me, or have the own goals been the highlight of the Euros so far!?  Let’s hope for better games when the knockouts start.  Don’t forget to get in your strawberries and cream  in time for Wimbledon.  And is there any chance the pundits could ease off on poor Rory (headline: “Rory human!”).  Hands up who hasn’t missed a sliding three foot down-hiller….. thought so.
Closer to home the dates and times have been set for the All Ireland Hurling semis with Clare facing Kilkenny for the 3rd time in succession, probably to decide who will lose to Limerick in the final after they dispatch Cork in the other semi; although you never know (but, yeah, we do).  What would Micheal O’Muircheartaigh say? May he rest in peace.   This report from Off the Ball, is a reminder of his legendary status.  

Is your next role here?
Maybe 2024 has proven to be a bit of a disappointment for you so far.  Perhaps hinted-at advancements haven’t materialised, or training and development hasn’t happened.  Maybe you were hoping to be working on new and interesting projects but they’re not on the horizon.  Whatever has you thinking about your next career move, the answer might just be found in our exciting list of open roles. Here they are; 


Competition time…

Each month we ask our readers to answer a question for a chance to win €100 One4all voucher. 

Our question for the May newsletter was:
Does your company and its employees understand pension auto-enrolment?
Yes: 57%
No: 43%

We were somewhat surprised with this result.  It seems a lot more education on the topic is needed!  Here’s an overview from the good people at Citizens Information which might help.
Our winner of our €100 voucher this month is – Erica Szabo  – we’ll be in touch!
Our question for the June newsletter is:
Do you think the outcome of the UK election will have any meaningful impact for Ireland?
The winner will be chosen at random and will receive a €100 One4All voucher. Enter here to be in with a chance to win.

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